in strident tones|in strident tone in English

harshly, in a harsh voice, in loud grating tones

Use "in strident tones|in strident tone" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "in strident tones|in strident tone" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "in strident tones|in strident tone", or refer to the context using the word "in strident tones|in strident tone" in the English Dictionary.

1. Canadian diplomats hope that the Biden administration’s less strident tone might yield better results

2. He was strident and dogmatic in giving his opinions.

3. The strident ringing of the telephone broke in on them.

4. 7 Strident,( overbearing leadership is inadvisable in this political culture.

5. Her own children were much more strident.

6. Blare definition is - to sound loud and strident

7. They are becoming increasingly strident in their criticism of government economic policy.

8. The process of Assibilation will be argued to involve the change from [-strident] /t/ to [+strident] [ts]; hence, the German data support the claim in the literature on other languages that affricates are strident stops which have no [+continuant] component

9. People are put off by his strident voice.

10. The bickering grew more strident during the visit.

11. People are put off by her strident voice.

12. She was beginning to hear that strident, angry voice in her sleep.

13. The Brotherhood provided the moral climate in which more strident cultures could flourish.

14. He is a strident advocate of nuclear power.

15. There was much humour, of a strident, bitter sort.

16. The plan has provided strident criticism from local residents.

17. The most vocal and strident was Pope Gregory VII.

18. 11 He is a strident advocate of nuclear power.

19. 5 synonyms for Continuant: Continuant consonant, fricative, sibilant, spirant, strident

20. The argument raged on and their voices grew more strident.

21. She tried to laugh, and the sound was harsh and strident.

22. 17 synonyms for Cacophonous: discordant, harsh, jarring, grating, raucous, strident, dissonant

23. 8 synonyms for Clamant: clamorous, strident, vociferous, blatant, crying, exigent, insistent

24. Strident editorials in the official press condemned foreign interference and predicted the worldwide triumph of socialism.

25. 8 synonyms for Clamant: clamorous, strident, vociferous, blatant, crying, exigent, insistent, instant